Maria Martha Malvina Kielmann 1886 - ????

Last updated: July 17, 2009

Born: May 26, 1886, location: Hermann, Gasconade County, Missouri
Died: ????

Birth Certificate

Rutz's in the pre-1910 Missouri Birth/Death Database in the Missouri State Archives

Kielmann's in the pre-1910 Missouri Birth/Death Database in the Missouri State Archives

Maria Martha Malvina Kielmann's birth certificate is significant because:
1. It lists her mother Augusta Hermine Rutz-Sengenberger-Kielmann's middle initial.
2. It lists her mother Augusta Hermine Rutz-Sengenberger-Kielmann's place of birth as Herman, Missouri
3. Four years later, Carl Friedrick Kielmann's birth certificate would list Augusta's place of birth as Pomeron.